A Home Called Nebraska

A Home Called Nebraska

Running Time: 70 mins

What does American mean?

"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free” are the iconic words for which the world has known the United States. In 2016, during the world’s largest refugee crisis since WWII, President Obama invited 110,000 refugees into the U.S. Now, the crisis is bigger than ever and the 2020 refugee ceiling stands at just 18,000. With racism and bigotry on the rise, blame has always come easy for many. But, what if the people you feel are “the enemy” are doing more to help than you think? In the conservative “fly-over” state of Nebraska, their communities are doing just that: helping, welcoming, and forming unlikely friendships. They are re-vitalizing the American Dream and keeping alive our belief in helping our fellow humans.