King of the Belgians

Running time: 94 mins

Hilarity ensues when his royal majesty finds his soul on the road trip from h**l through the Balkans. A sly and delightful "mockumentary" featuring the “only-for-show” monarch of Belgium. Stuck in Turkey with only his entourage and a documentarian without air travel or cell phones (both having been knocked out by a cosmic event) they attempt to get back to Belgium to confront a domestic crisis before the clock runs out. As the reluctant travelers encounter one ridiculous roadblock after another, the king begins to wrestle his way out of the royal cocoon, while his troupe of elites attempts to mingle with locals, learning to relieve the pressures of protocol and live a little. Infused with a droll humor, this gem gives a gentle yet insightful critique of the place of monarchies in the modern world, and a close-up view of a King as he races to prevent his country from falling apart. – Pia Chamberlain Sponsored by the Applied Materials Foundation and Steve Schleimer & Cyndi Sherman

Peter Brosens, Jessica Woodworth
Ton Peters
Peter Van den Begin, Bruno Georis, Lucie Debay, Titus De Voogdt, Pieter Van der Houwen
David Verdurme
Peter Brosens, Jessica Woodworth
English, Flemish, French, Bulgarian with English subtitles
Comedy, Drama