Lost In Munich
Running time: 105 mins
At first it's a film about a foul-mouthed, 90-year-old parrot's press conference. And then...it isn't. Well, it is. But it isn't. That is... For about half an hour this is a straightforward film about a parrot, a journalist, and an international embarrassmentan easy-going comedy, sort of. And then, suddenly...(hello, Monty Python?) it becomes something completely different. Welcome to the world of master Czech director Petr Zelenka (Buttoners, Cinequest 1999; Erotic Tales: Powers, Cinequest 2002), who channels sources as varied as Terry Gilliam and Francois Truffaut. This is pure Czech "mystification," where nothing is quite as it seems, the unexpected is the rule of the day, and surprise is commonplace. Question everything and be prepared to be wonderfully bamboozled. - Charlie Cockey Preceded by the short film: Sleepy Steve; dir. Meghann Artes; United States; 4 min.