The Hamsters
Running time: 71 mins
Together they form the perfect dysfunctional family. Secrets every family has them. The Hamsters takes on the territory of the dysfunctional family drama but in a wisely structured and smartly written way. Teenagers Juan and Jessica take pride in being able to get away with anything little do they know, their parents arent saints either. Despite their fathers (Angel Norzagaray, Only God Knows) façade as the reliable family man, hes secretly driven the family into deep financial trouble. Meanwhile, unsuspecting mother Beatriz (Gisela Madrigal, 7 Mujeres, Un Homosexual y Carlos) contends with her own mid-life crisis anxieties about her fading beauty coupled with disturbing, saucy thoughts more appropriate for a single lady. As their secrets threaten to come to light, this family must brace themselves for more than a rude awakening. Alexandra Avila