The Pretty Time Bomb
Running time: 78 mins
How many people does it take to arm a bomb? Ever have a day where nothing goes right? Well... that's Clara's life! But one day, even her life gets worse, when her ex-boyfriend implants her with a time bomb! If that wasn't enough, it is wirelessly connected with a metal bracelet, which will trigger the bomb if the wearer does not touch her every thirty minutes. When Tel, a useless detective, foolishly puts on the bracelet and activates the bomb, he instantly ties his own life to Clara's. Clara and Tel embark on a quest to find the key to the bracelet and disarm the bomb, but with her luck and his inabilities, their future looks bleak. This comedy of errors keeps you laughing until the clock reaches zero. - Kyle Burt Preceded by the short film: Fish Tale: Secret Life of Plankton; dir. Christian Sardet, Noe Sardet, Sharif Mirshak; Canada; 6min; A wondrous look inside the hidden world that underpins our own food chain.