Super Hero Party Clown
Running time: 84 mins
Can a part-time hero defeat the villain in his life and get the girl of his dreams?
Last year, Cinequest proudly presented Jeremy Inman?s work in progress Super Hero Party Clown to a sold-out audience. Inman returns for the completed (replete with all of the new effects) World Premiere of his tale of a man trying to win over the girl he loves.
Eugene has one of the least glamorous jobs imaginable ? performing at children's birthday parties dressed as a comic book super hero. Eugene's career hasn't done much to help his bad luck with women until he sees a former school friend, Emily, and discovers she likes super heroes enough that playing one works in his favor. Eugene feels like life is finally going his way until a longtime rival decides to steal Emily by impersonating another cape-sporting hero. Can Eugene expose his rival without compromising his own ethical code in the eyes of the girl he loves?
- Tamee Tanoor
Preceded by the short film: Five Proof; Director: Frank Door; 10min.; USA; Proof of God forces Shawn West to realize his greatest power.
Film sponsored by YouSendIt.