Super Hero Party Clown
Running time: 86 mins
Eugene Stimpson is a superhero...
?or at least he plays one at birthday parties. When his high school nemesis, Todd, gets a job playing a rival superhero, Eugene must struggle to keep his identity secret while competing with Todd for the affections of the same girl. Can he keep his identity concealed long enough to make his move and defeat Todd, or will the mounting lies be too much for him to handle?
Director Jeremy Inman?s Super Hero Party Clown blasts off the screen with a youthful exuberance, imaginative storytelling, romance?and, yes, plenty of over the top antics. As Stan ?The Man? Lee would say, ?Evil-doers, beware!? (Capes not necessary to enjoy the movie)
- Michael Rabehl
Cinequest is extremely honored to present Super Hero Party Clown as a test screening during this year?s festival.