
Running time: 98 mins

Amidst the bustle of city life in South Korea, a man (played by the popular Hyung-Sung Jang) wills his life away at the video store he runs. Having given up on his family life and law career, he is now comfortable with his solitude, happy to exchange the occasional word with a curious customer. The monotony of his life is broken one day by the sudden appearance of a love letter from a secret admirer. The manÕs isolation begins to melt away as he works up enough courage to find the answers, especially after a mysterious homemade video appears in his return box a few weeks later - a video that has profound effects on his lonely soul. Director Hak-Soon KimÕs Rewind is a beguiling and romantic urban tale that, in its insights into modern loneliness and yearning, rivals the acclaimed Lost in Translation. With patience and tenderness, it finds magic and the possibility of love in the smallest details of life. - Fernando F. Croce

Premiere status:
United States Premiere
Hak-Soon Kim
Eui-Duck Paeng; Editor Eun-Soo Lee
Hak-Soon Kim
Hoon-Young Chung; Cast Hyun-Sung Chang, Eun-Jin Pang, Youn-Hong Oh, Hyun-Jin Sah
Korean with English subtitles