Francine Rises
Running time: 6 mins
All from the U.S., this series runs the gamut from the serious to the profound and personal to the profane (Guess which one!). The Corner Store takes a fond look at a rapidly vanishing institution--the Mom and Pop store--that can no longer exist in the same economy as Wal-Mart or Target. John Schueler: A Painter's Life surveys the life and work of a Midwesterner, from WWII to his participation in the explosion of new American painting that occurred during the `50s and `60s. San Francisco filmmaker Jay Rosenblatt (Human Remains, Cinequest 2000) returns to Cinequest with King of the Jews, an excellent found-footage collage exploring, in voice-over, his childhood as a Jew growing up surrounded by the constant presence of Jesus in society. Susan Brunig presents an impressionistic depiction of a frighteningly real story of domestic abuse in Francine Rises. And, if you are offended by images of people sitting on the can or by discussions of how to poop, then may we suggest that you leave the theater for Shit - The Movie. Here we get a shitload of coprophilia/"let's-see-how-far-we-can-push-the-boundaries" from a succession of Julie Gaw's friends and a few medical professionals. Not a film for every taste.