The Longest Wave
Running time: 94 mins
If life were a sport, this is how you could win it.
Who better to showcase riding out the crests and troughs of life than expert surfer, water sports pioneer, and legend Robby Naish. Spanning four decades, the twenty-six-time champion's career ushered in niche water sports like standup paddle boarding, wind surfing, kite boarding, and foil surfing to the forefront of the global sports community. Through the superb direction of Joe Berlingers (Metallica: Some Kind of Monster, Brothers Keeper), we are given a rare glimpse into the inner workings of the life and mind of a genius. Despite setbacks and catastrophes, what motivates someone like him to keep going, keep pushing boundaries? The discipline and drive that the audience witnesses, inspires, and stays much beyond the film. Shwetha VR