Part of Shorts Program 5: MindbendersThe bold, humorous and heartfelt story of Frida, a 17-year-old girl from West London who gets invited to an impromptu pool party by the guy of her dreams, but…
Shorts Program 5: Mindbenders
Running time: 111 mins
Wait, is this real?
Mindbenders exist for one reason alone to blow your minds wide open! This year, we explore the fringes, and the gooey gristly insides, of incredible and satisfyingly strange stories. Whether theyre about weird, and slightly sinister hotel room parties, or intense, and exceptionally sinister, auditions, Mindbenders aim to serve up that plate of the devilishly demented cinema you so desire. Mindbenders will take you to a distant and unusual world, from which might not want to come back! Chris Garcia