The Truth About Marriage
Running time: 80 mins
Why is it so difficult? This is the question that nagged director Roger Nygard (The Nature of Existence, Trekkies). Has Marriage always been this way? What is the origin story? He seeks experts (psychologists, biologists, marriage counsellors, historians) and asks the big questions: what is marriage all about, and how do you do it right? Nygard does a deep dive into the world after "you may now kiss the bride," by looking at three very different relationships, and tracking their progress over time. The Truth about Marriage is a powerful documentary steeped in philosophy, history, and psychology, while never losing sight of romance, joy, and comedy. - Chris Garcia Preceded by the music video: Passage; Director: David-Alexandre Chanel; Length: 6 min; Country: France (Part of the Official Music Video Competition)