The Tiny Life of Butcher Duke

Running time: 77 mins

Big Battle for a Tiny Home. Butcher Duke could have had a different life; if only he had defeated ex-tennis-pro, Creek Thomson, in a match twenty years ago to win a mobile home, but he didn't . Now he lives with his mother who wants to kick him out, is estranged from his daughter, and battles anger-management issues. He is, what you may call, a "loser". With one redeeming quality - his infectious spirit! Delta Thomson is a failure at his father's mobile home business. But maybe reviving the old rivalry with Butcher is all the publicity his business needs. It's the perfect stage.What happens when two such losers decide to have a showdown? Only the most spectacular event in town! Crowds lineup for the clash of the local titans. Will Butcher butcher it this time too? - Shwetha VR Preceded by the music video: Stand Down; Director: Dana Tynan; Length: 7 min.; Country: USA (Part of the Official Music Video Competition)
Big Battle for a Tiny Home. Butcher Duke could have had a different life; if only he had defeated ex-tennis-pro, Creek Thomson, in a match twenty years ago to win a mobile home, but he didn't . Now…