The Silver Branch
Running time: 75 mins
A poignant celebration of natural life The Burren, in Western Ireland, is an ancient and wild place, filled with natural beauty, and farms that have been handed down through many generations. Patrick McCormack, a poet and farmer, who genuinely wants to live on the land as his ancestors did, is appalled to learn of a government plan to turn this tranquil community into a tourist destination--essentially destroying a cherished way of life. Through his hypnotic narration, accompanied by music and images to fill the heart and lift the spirit, Patrick exquisitely illustrates how a poorly conceived plan could profoundly alter the destiny of this mesmerizing land and its people. -Shari Clare Preceded by the music video: Mean Streak; Director: Sarah Leibman; Length: 5 min; Country: USA (Part of the Official Music Video Competition) Sponsored by Applied Materials Presented In Honor Of Jim Boyce