Apartment 413
Running time: 77 mins
Home isn't necessarily a safe space. Marco has a girlfriend with a baby on the way. They have a roof over their heads...for now. If only Marco had a job to keep it all stable. Being the provider for his family, Marco knows he has to be better. A brilliant blend of tension with a dash of mania, this psychological thriller delves into the protagonist's aspiring yet troubled mind. The suspense begins: Strange sticky notes appear around the house, possibly from his landlord. A rogue cell phone shows up with a hostile mechanic on the other end. And, what else could be out to get him? With very few glimpses of the outside world, this nail biting, locked room mystery will suck you in deep, and keep you guessing. - Nick Coleman Preceded by the short film: American Muscle; Director: Nick Martinez; Length: 22 min.; Country: USA