Risking Light

Risking Light

Running time: 86 mins

“For what I was put through, I should have been a killer.” To some, life is a brutal struggle to come to grips with the things that are unfairly taken from them. Risking Light examines four stories of painful experiences and how they overcame them to move forward and create a better world out of their pain. Whether it is a mother working with the killer of her only son, a Cambodian enslaved by the Khemer Rouge, or a member of Australia’s Stolen Generations who was abused within the foster system, these are individuals who have worked to move through their pain and create something new and hopeful. This inspiring tale will move you, and perhaps make you examine the harsh paths you’ve walked yourself. – Chris Garcia Sponsored by Pool On The Hill Gang Presented In Honor Of Jim Boyce
“For what I was put through, I should have been a killer.” To some, life is a brutal struggle to come to grips with the things that are unfairly taken from them. Risking Light examines four stories…