Shorts Program 6: Whirls and Currents

Shorts Program 6

Running time: 97 mins

It?s not what happens, but how you handle it.

Our Whirls and Currents program is a romantic visual representation of ?shit happens.? Life always throws us curve balls when we least expect it and regardless of what happens, our resilience shines through. Like traveling on a river, success rarely comes from paddling up stream. This program helps instill the mindset we need to persevere when less than favorable events occur. Whether it is a death in the family or the development of a petrifying fear, we learn the methods we must utilize to rise like a phoenix and become stronger than before.

? Kyle Burt

  • And Winter Slow - dir. Brian Lannin - United States
  • The Child - dir. Amy Neil - United Kingdom
  • The Debt Collector - dir. Rich Ceraulo - United States
  • Silent River (Apele Tec) - dir. Anca Miruna Lazarescu - Germany, Romania
  • Winter Frog (Grenouille d'hiver) - dir. Slony Sow - France
Part of Shorts Program 6 - Whirls and Currents
Part of Shorts Program 6 - Whirls and Currents
Part of Shorts Program 6 - Whirls and Currents
Part of Shorts Program 6 - Whirls and Currents
Part of Shorts Program 6 - Whirls and Currents