DIGITAL MEDIA FORUM II: HD Post Strategies for Digital Cinema

Running time: N/A

Think Smart. Delivered to you by Video Arts. Smart artists are constantly seeking cutting-edge, post-production technologies that allow them to push the envelope without unloading their cash reserves down the drain. Smart artists pay heed to Video Arts and their razor-sharp insight regarding high-definition post strategies: formats, conversions and pathways, and how they will be utilized in the future. Before you shoot one frame, you'd better know where you're heading after the wrap. Compare different digital formats up-converted to HD, how the look and feel of film differs from digital cinema, and how to minimize costs and maximize image quality in post-production. Think, experience, win. Video Arts is a leading San Francisco based, digital studio providing design, animation, special effects and editing services for advertising, broadcast television and corporate communications. In 2003, Video Arts embarked on a major, studio-wide restructuring to create San Francisco's first full-service HDTV post-production studio, adding two HD edit suites, HD graphics platforms, and featuring the Teranex "Xantus" HD format converter as its technical cornerstone. Presenter: Kim Salyer, President; David Weissman, General Manager Video Arts