The Future is Now

Running time: N/A

Before it was "the digital convergence is coming," but now it's a celebration of the creative results these new tools have empowered. Join moderator Laurence J. Thorpe, V.P. Acquisitions Systems, Sony Electronics and the following line-up of stand-out presenters for a highly entertaining and informative look at the new world of 24P HD filmmaking. Francis Kenny: Director of Photography for Danny De Vito's movie, "How High" Geoff Burdick: Jim Cameron's Lightstorm Entertainment Joel Barkow: Producer of "Winning Girls Through Psychic Mind Control" Roy Wagner: Director of Photography James Tocher: President, Digital Film Group, makers of "Atanarjuat: The Fast Runner" Mickey Freeman: Nine at Night Films, makers of "Chalk" and "Stroke" Barbara Briggs: Producer, Phaethon World-Stage Co. Pictures Kevin Susman: Director, "Papal Cab" Presenters will screen examples of amazing work.