Director John L'Ecuyer (Curtis's Charm) composes an intricate, tender portrait of intelligence and triumphant spirit in his latest film, Saint Jude, the tale of a teenager out on the mean streets of…
Saint Jude
Running time: N/A
Director John L'Ecuyer (Curtis's Charm) composes an intricate, tender portrait of intelligence and triumphant spirit in his latest film, Saint Jude, the tale of a teenager out on the mean streets of Montreal. Jude's raging father has kicked her out of the house, and now all she can rely on is her own smarts. Along her journey, an eclectic mix of eccentric characters, from whom Jude receives her energy, enters the scene--Clarence, her pedophile confidant who's afraid of his own reflection; Georgie, the hustler who can't seem to outgrow his tuxedo; and Jude's various doped-up friends. But Jude doesn't know what trouble is until she rips off Mink, the neighborhood drug dealer. Liane Balaban (New Waterford Girl) is beautiful and captivating as Jude, giving a mesmerizing performance as a person whose "best friend is the person I just met." Dragging around her ever-present red suitcase, Jude is cognizant of her dire predicament but never downbeat. Her intelligence and unrelenting spirit allow her to survive, and she knows that "only good kids say no - on the street you are allowed only variations of yes". John L'Ecuyer perfectly captures both the underside of Montreal society as well as his protagonist's struggle. The people in Jude's life need her to be their salvation. But to Jude, the real question is will she be able to triumph over her own life and save herself. Reviewed by Sandy Wolf