Part of Shorts Program 4: Come Together.
The story of an immigrant mechanic stuck in a middle-age malaise who learns to re-appreciate his life through the eyes of a confident new employee.
Shorts Program 4: Come Together
Running time: 109 mins
The intricate ties that link family, friends, and communities weave through this series of compelling films. A young man returns to Vietnam decades after he left the country, to retrieve a reminder of his brother. In another, a young girl gets some unexpected help trying to track down her father and a simple photograph transforms a not-so-swift construction worker?s life. Stretching from a Midwest gothic tale to a rock-ribbed farming family gathering for a funeral, to a story of a repair shop owner looking for a reliable employee, these films possess a strength that relies on emotional truths instead of relentless action.Help Wanted - dir. Teo Guardino
Odd Shoe - dir. Paul Cotter
Ollie and the Baked Halibut - dir. Kelly Williamson
Palm Trees Down 3rd St - dir. Maria Judice
Ridge County Requiem - dir. Carey Russell
Slow - dir. Kurt Kuenne
Songs from the Shed - dir. Melika Bass
The Fading Light (Theo Huong Den Ma Di) - dir. Thien Do