
Running time: 74 mins

Renaldo Kuhler is a charming, funny and utterly captivating man?who just sohappens to have created his own country.

When Renaldo's father moved his family to a remote Colorado ranch as a child, Renaldo dealt with his isolation by escaping to his private fantasy world and fabricating the fantasy nation of Rocaterrania. What began as the illustrated history of an imaginary world became a lifelong obsession - one that would secretly document the satirically coded story of his life. Now 76, Renaldo spins his spellbinding tale, illustrated by works of art, which delve deep into the psyche of this delightful and complex genius.
Renaldo Kuhler is a charming, funny and utterly captivating man?who just so happens to have created his own country. When Renaldo's father moved his family to a remote Colorado ranch as a child,…