Shorts Competition Program 5: Rescue Me

Running time: 100 mins

Cinequest is proud to present a selection of shorts from 17 countries around the world that will astonish, inspire, and pique at the curiosity with an extensive range of challenging and redemptive stories. Experience documentaries fold into drama, then flow into animations and maybe end in comedies. Absurd farce will bump shoulders with real life and bored youth will transcend?it?s a roller coaster ride from one film to the next.

Awards will be given at the end of the festival to Best Narrative Short, Best Documentary Short, Best Animated Short and Best Student Short. All will be in consideration for the Audience Award for Best Short. Cinequest is also proud to announce that Winners of the Best Narrative Short and Best Animated Short film will be eligible for Academy Award® nominations in their respective category.

Program 5 ? Rescue Me
Morbido, Dir. Stefanos Sitaras
A Day?s Work, Dir. Edward Feldman
Beijing Haze, Dir. J.P. Chan
Shadow of a Doubt, Dir. Esben Tonnesen
Oubliette, Dir. Jurjen Blick
For the Love of God, Dir. Joe Tucker
Yours Truly, Dir. Osbert Parker


Cinequest Film Festival 18

Part of Shorts Program 5: Rescue Me Anna's work day begins badly and culminates in one very special, unique moment.
Part of Shorts Program 5: Rescue Me A new Chinese immigrant smokes her last cigarette from home, evoking memories of her last day in Beijing. Back in China, America was her hazy dream of the future…
Part of Shorts Program 5: Rescue Me Choosing to love another person is a lonesome and frightening task.
Part of Shorts Program 5: Rescue Me An epitaph to memory in 11 minutes.
Part of Shorts Program 5: Rescue Me Graham lives with his tyrannical Mother and their pet Jackdaw in a Christian bookshop, trapped in the seedy outskirts of a decaying nowhere town. He and his…
Part of Shorts Program 5: Rescue Me Characters burst through yesterday's emulsion to tell the conflicting story of Frank and Charlie who sacrific their morals to find love as the two worlds collide.
Part of Shorts Program 5: Rescue Me A young thief breaks into a house. He finds a suicide letter.