I, Curmudgeon

I, Curmudgeon

I, Curmudgeon

Running Time: 96 mins

Misanthrope, contrarian, malcontent, naysayer, negative. Alan Zweig has been called all of these, and more, and wants to know why.

In his search to understand why he can?t just accept things as they are and be happy about it, Zweig talks to curmudgeons of all shapes and sizes: the famous?Larry David and Andy Rooney; the near famous?Harvey Pekar and Fran Lebowitz; and the unknown, including Zweig?s friends, most of whom seem to suffer from a similar affliction of crankiness and dissatisfaction.

As one character says, ?It would be a lot easier not to be like this.? But Zweig, with the help of his merry band of outsiders, ultimately comes to the conclusion that his way of looking at the world is not a choice. It is just who he is.

At times laugh out loud funny, I, Curmudgeon is a reflective self examination that, at other times, is nakedly honest. Zweig?s remarkable study of human nature is certain to bring out a little of the negative in even the most positive of persons, and we will never again doubt the meaning of ?curmudgeon.?

Sandy Wolf

Screening with:
How to Be a Hollywood Player in Less Than Ten Minutes; dir. Joe Hudson; 10min/HD-Cam/United States ? A young director takes control of a film, with hilarious results.